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Radek Teterycz

visibility DISPLAYS: 587

Radosław Teterycz was born in 1978 in Zamość. A graduate of the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin. I am a self-taught artist.

"I am fascinated by the tree, the oldest abandoned, forgotten tree. For me it is full of movement and it is the movement that I most often try to show in my works. Passing, growing, searching, striving, searching for what is still hidden. I try to show the immeasurable potential of a tree, first of all, in art. My works are made of one piece of wood, and the ones I send are a clash of two worlds of modern art and nature. "


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Artworks Gallery - Radek Teterycz

55 cm x 28 cm
Price $820
Breath, 2020
59 cm x 33 cm
Price $820
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