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Tadeusz Machowski

visibility DISPLAYS: 1855

 Tadeusz Machowski was born in 1955 in Lancut, Poland. Since his early childhood, his main passion was all kinds of art. He has been developing his talent by creating realistic landscapes for about twenty years. Then, inspired by early twentieth century art, Tadeusz started looking for some other kinds of depicting reality and expressing emotions. Drawing inspiration from artists that had been created between 1940 and 1960, he started to work on his own abstract style. Today we can be really impressed when looking at his current art. As if he is still searching and trying to use new, different techniques and themes, his works of art are characterized by diversity of forms. It makes his paintings difficult to classified. Incredible colours and compositions delighted many critics and collectors, who posses over 1000 Tadeusz's artworks mostly in the USA, EU and Poland).

Most Important Exhibitions;

Galeria Marzenie _ 50-to lecie twórczości, Łańcut 2022

Art Nou Milleni _ Barcelona, Spain 2020

Art City of Tunis _ Tunis, Tunesia 2019

Kheirredine’s Palace _ Tunis, Tunesia 2018

Fux&Friends Gallery _ Hellbrun, Austria 2017

Colorida Art Gallery _ Lisboa, Portugal 2017

Art Expo 2016 _ Milan, Italy 2016

Trajewsky Art Gallery _ Vienna, Austria 2016

E-Cube Art Gallery _ London, UK 2015

M.A.D Gallery _ Milan, Italy 2015

East Open Art _ London, UK 2014

Velvenoir Art Gallery _ Salzburg, Austria 2014

Abstract Artist Gallery _ New York, USA 2013

Arts&Hearts Gallery _ Miami, USA 2012

Galeria Marzenie _ 40-to lecie twórczości, Łańcut 2012


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Tadeusz Machowski

Artworks Gallery - Tadeusz Machowski

Oil, Canvas, 130 cm x 100 cm
Price $730
Metal leafing, Oil, Canvas, 85 cm x 60 cm
Price $990
Oil, Board, 64 cm x 41 cm
Price $650
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 830
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 90 cm
Price $1 830
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
Price $1 370
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 120 cm
Price $1 830
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 120 cm
Price $1 510
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm
Price $1 300

Sales Archive - Tadeusz Machowski

Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 110 cm
Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 100 cm
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 120 cm
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