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Tadeusz Machowski biogram

Like birds without nests , 2021

Oil, Canvas
100 cm x 80 cm

Paintings, Abstract, Expressionism, Inne, Abstract, Other

$1 830
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‘Fortunetly,somewhere betweenchance and mystery lies imagination,the only thing that protects our freedom,in spite of the fact that people try to limit it or kill’,claimed the Spanish surrealist director Luis Bunuel. Unlimited freedom of expression, dictated by the imagination and emotions, is the main feature that characterizes the works of Tadeusz Machowski. Another one is the ability to manifest the basic human emotions in clear, simple manner, without the highbrow armor, and his predilection for warm colors, fiery reds, yellows, and purples, that the vibrate on the convas like a jazz improvisation. For Tadeusz, painting is the way communicate with theviewers at a purely emotional level.The construction of his paintings, their composition, and juxtaposition of colors resemble the design of a piece of music, in which mezzo piano devolves to a crescendo, and in a moment later resounds in fortissimo. The painter admits himself that deep musical inspirations and joy of life are the basic components of his artistic identity. For Tadeusz, the painting techniques of the abstract expressionism were the starting point, the foundation, on which through the years of searching, he has managed to build his ownunique style. However, he has never stopped experimenting. Therefore, we can expect that once again he will surprise us with his unconventional combinations of techniques, textures, and themes.

Artist Artworks on Auction - Tadeusz Machowski

Artworks by artist - Tadeusz Machowski
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm
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Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 120 cm
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Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 120 cm
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Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
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