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Zdzisław Salaburski

visibility DISPLAYS: 1335

Zdzisław Salaburski (born 1922, Częstochowa, died 2006, Warsaw)

Painter and actor. He studied painting and drawing with Zdzisław Kałędkiewicz during the German occupation in 1941-1945. After the war, he continued his education under the supervision of prof. Pautsch. Simultaneously with studying painting, he passed the exam before the Committee of the Union of Polish Stage Artists, later working in theaters in Łódź, Toruń and Warsaw (not only as an actor, but also a set designer). From 1961, as a member of Grupa 55, he practiced only painting. His paintings, usually in large formats, remained in an abstract style, based on the aesthetics of Tashism.


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Sales Archive - Zdzisław Salaburski

Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 52 cm
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