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Waldemar Tłuczek biogram

"Range of life"-flashback, 2001

Oil, Board, Canvas
97 cm x 72 cm

Paintings, Surrealism, Other

$1 710
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There comes a moment when each of us reflects on our lives, recalls the good and bad moments, events that affected our lives, and our behavior that influenced everything that happened....

The protagonists of my paintings are usually women, it is a kind of homage that I pay to them because a woman is a beauty of nature that always delights me. I admire them, because even in difficult times, women are always women. They have amazing spiritual qualities such as warmth of heart, the ability to listen and hear, understand and support, infinite kindness and forgiveness.

Artworks by artist - Waldemar Tłuczek
Oil, Canvas, Board, 97 cm x 72 cm
Price $1 710
"LONGING ", 1998
Oil, Board, Canvas, 60 cm x 78 cm
Price $1 370
Crayons, Pencil, Pastel, Paper, 52 cm x 72 cm
Price $1 180
Crayons, Pencil, Pastel, Paper, 32 cm x 42 cm
Price $470
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