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Jolanta Johnsson biogram

Human 2021-2, 2021

Other, Paper
60 cm x 42 cm

Prints, Figurative, Person

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The image shows the subject that probably occupies the most space in art – the relationship between a woman and a man. We are created as men and women. According to the biblical book of Genesis, in the beginning God created a man. Then he brought to life a woman to dissipate his loneliness. The half-visible faces of a woman and a man indicate a half-hearted understanding of the mystery of mutual relations. Entwined bodies ignore the laws of physics in their dynamic motion. They are beyond earth's gravity, in the realm of their own gravitation power. Technique: algraphy, acrylic, edition 30 pc.

Artworks by artist - Jolanta Johnsson
Other, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
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Love - 3, 1991
Other, Paper, 98 cm x 61 cm
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Roots, 2017
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Mixed media, Paper, 80 cm x 68 cm
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