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Agata Padol

visibility DISPLAYS: 1986

Agata Padol graduated with honors in 1991 from the University of the Arts in Poznań, at the Faculty of Art Education in the Painting Studio of Professor Piotr C. Kowalski. She specializes in canvas painting using oil and acrylic techniques and has experience in large-scale works and frescoes on historical buildings. Agata is also a skilled art curator, art critic, and specialist in artwork analysis. In addition, she engages in modern space design. Her paintings are characterized by an exploration of the boundary or connection between figurative and abstract art in relation to the factor of visual scale. She thinks and works in cycles, often cropping, enlarging, or reducing objects on the surface.

The artist is interested in issues of femininity in relation to the spheres of emotions, spirituality, existence, poetry, Art Deco lines, social patterns, beauty standards, and the search for answers to many questions on these topics. Agata Padol's paintings are showcased in solo exhibitions in Poland, the United Kingdom, the USA, Norway, Germany, and Italy, and can be found in museums and private collections both domestically and internationally.


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Agata Padol

Closet, 2024
Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
Auction "With a sense of Humor"
1 000 zł
Black Swan, 2025
Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
"Courtly Tales" - Auction at the Potocki Palace in Radzyń Podlaski
1 000 zł

Sales Archive - Agata Padol

Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
Couple, 2024
Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
Motherhood, 2024
Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
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