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Agnieszka Wencka

visibility DISPLAYS: 941

Agnieszka Wencka was born in 1978.
In his paintings, she likes a combination of reality and unrealistic forms, juxtaposing delicate, precise elements and dynamic areas. She likes to feel paint in an image and you can see the brush work, i.e. texture, individual strokes, blurring.
It often depicts a combination of unreal forms, sometimes covering or forming the figure, resulting in a surreal character.
When creating a painting, she initially follows a general idea, but most of it is born in the process of painting.
In his works, she likes to include some asymmetry, imbalance, strength, emotions, the contrast of uniform surfaces and a multitude of unreal elements, understatement, haze, slight sweep combined with subtle accuracy.

In painting, she is fascinated not only by the effect but also by the process of creation, the tradition of the oil technique, all its "alchemy", the structure of the paint stretched on the canvas, the unexpected effects of individual strokes, the smells of oil media.
I do not try to name what my paintings present, the more so as everyone sees something different in them, some see in them, for example, a tangled inner life, emotions, and others that the soul can look like that.


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