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Aleksandra Wiszniewska

visibility DISPLAYS: 1671

Aleksandra Wiszniewska graduated from the State Secondary School of Fine Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław (1997) at the Faculty of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design, where she studied drawing and painting in the studio of prof. Konrad Jodówki. In her search for expression and emotionality in drawings, she follows the characteristics of coal as a tool used in the days of rock drawings. In her works, not so much the chiaroscuro is important as the line and contour itself. Often filled with color, it gives the impression of movement, exposes hidden emotions. With thickening lines, it guides the viewer through the points of tension where the line loops and vibrates to the point of the final statement - a metaphorical dot. The emotional layer is of great importance in her works - it is a reflection on the existence of a human being involved in patterns of behavior and attitudes on a daily basis. The human figure, often reduced to a symbol or sign, creates multiverse of stories hidden under the top layer of the captured pose. Delving into the details, we discover the meaning of small, involuntary gestures of the created figures that testify to the search for spaces of authentic and unforced relations with the surrounding space of human existence.


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Artworks Gallery - Aleksandra Wiszniewska

Charcoal, Mixed media, Acrylic, Paper, 142 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 300
Mixed media, Paper, 142 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 710

Sales Archive - Aleksandra Wiszniewska

Charcoal, Acrylic, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Charcoal, Acrylic, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Charcoal, Paper, 142 cm x 85 cm
Charcoal, 90 cm x 80 cm
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