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Amanda Zaleska

visibility DISPLAYS: 362

Amanda Zaleska started her adventure with drawing thanks to her fascination with emotional therapy. Along with developing the technique and style of drawing, she decided to start depicting the experiences she experienced in a more expressive way, which she achieved thanks to the introduction of acrylics into her works, interspersed with other techniques of expression. In 2018, she created a blog;, presenting original works with short content, poems, sometimes musical setting. You can also find a portfolio there. The artist's interpretation of the audience is an important element connected with the created art. The open viewer will find their reflection, feeling and association in them, which may be a step towards his self-knowledge, to which the artist warmly encourages.


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Artworks Gallery - Amanda Zaleska

Beginning, 2019
Ink, Mixed media, 48 cm x 36 cm
Price $280
Ink, Paper, 42 cm x 30 cm
Price $140
Ink, Mixed media, Paper, 30 cm x 21 cm
Price $110
Rust, 2017
Spray, Acrylic, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
Price $320
Ink, Mixed media, Paper, 42 cm x 30 cm
Price $110

Sales Archive - Amanda Zaleska

Butterfly, 2019
Ink, Mixed media, Paper, 36 cm x 48 cm
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