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Andrzej Umiastowski

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Andrzej Umiastowski was born in 1956 in Sopot. He graduated from the State College of Fine Arts in Łódź. He obtained a diploma in 1984 in the painting studio of prof. Jerzy Zabłocki. Currently, the artist lives and works in Koleczkowo - a Kashubian village near the Tricity.

Umiastowski's work shows the influence of nature, the colors changing depending on the seasons are saturated with intense light. The artist presents the characters in an exaggerated, sometimes grotesque way.

His painting is appreciated both in Poland and abroad. There are about 130 individual exhibitions on Umiastowski's account, incl. in Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany, Norway and the United States. His paintings were also presented in his hometown of Tricity. In the 1980s, acting in the trend of independent culture, the painter was associated with the St. Michael Gallery in Sopot and the Gallery of St. Jacek at the Basilica of St. Nicholas Dominicans in Gdańsk.

His last large exhibition took place in 2011 at the The Department of Modern Art of the National Museum in Gdańsk in the Palace of Abbots in Oliwa.


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