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Barbara Kozaczkiewicz

visibility DISPLAYS: 468

Artist, born in 1991. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice at the Faculty of Painting. Her works could be seen at collective exhibitions, and at the post-competition exhibition as part of the National Biennale of Art - 46th Winter Salon 2020. She deals with painting, illustration and computer graphics. The goal of her life, and at the same time her work, is the constant search for happiness. Even the smallest and simplest thing that will make him feel good and safe for a while. She is constantly looking for new topics, experimenting, its constant changeability. She is constantly looking for her current, which is why over the years her works take on new themes.


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Artworks Gallery - Barbara Kozaczkiewicz

Patagonia, 2020
Acrylic, Canvas, 110 cm x 190 cm
Price $530
La Loba, 2020
Acrylic, Board, 42 cm x 29 cm
Price $230
Acrylic, Canvas, 80 cm x 60 cm
Price $310
Elements, 2020
Ink, Pencil, Wood board, 80 cm x 30 cm
Price $310
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