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Bea Guillemot

visibility DISPLAYS: 1476

Bea Guillemot divides her life between Poland, Germany and France. Therefore, her artistic expression is traveling, instinctive and often unpredictable. For years, as an interior decorator, she has participated in many architectural projects, which allowed her to imagine the space differently and experience new materials and their compositions. She has been transferring these skills to the canvas for a long time, using epoxy resin, oil, tempera and acrylic. In her work, she constantly experiments, focusing primarily on the workshop. She is interested in modern art, design, minimalism and abstraction. Harmony with color, contrast, structure, light and emotions, in the right proportions, build her images. Her art shows numerous tensions, barriers and ambiguities, but also the order arising from the slowly reorganizing reality. Her painting is characterized by the search for new forms and techniques of communication. She rejects figurativeness in favor of internal construction.

Her "artistic gesture" will not replace the ABSOLUTE, but for a moment it will allow you to forget about this real world full of hatred, extermination, anxiety and suffering, it is important for her to capture the ephemeral nature of each movement, along with our emotions in a world of constant rush.

Her paintings are in private collections in Poland and abroad, including Germany, Italy, France and the USA. Fascinated by the works of Pierre Sulage, Hans Hartung and Gerhard Richter.

2013- Wystawa zbiorowa. Francja La Ferte Bernard .

2017-Wystawa autorska Franfurt/Niemcy  Przemijanie/Die Vergänglichkeit . 

2020- Targi Sztuki dostępnej 2020 

2020- Galeria Stalowa Warszawa 2020 wystawa zbiorowa.

2020-Art. Prize Luksemburg 2020 konkurs

2021-Warszawskie Targi Sztuki

2022-ADO -ART Gallery

2022-Luksembourg ART PRIZE

2023 -Galeria Stalowa Wystawa Abstrakcja

2023 -Warszawskie Targi Sztuki


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Artworks Gallery - Bea Guillemot

24-EP5 , 2024
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Other, Acrylic, Oil, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 80 cm x 60 cm
Price $1 840
24-EP6, 2024
Mixed media, Spray, Other, Acrylic, Oil, Fabric, Other, 80 cm x 60 cm
Price $1 840
24-EP8, 2024
Ink, Spray, Acrylic, Oil, Other, Fabric, Other, 80 cm x 60 cm
Price $2 090
24-A9 , 2024
Spray, Acrylic, Other, Tempera, Canvas, Fabric, 80 cm x 60 cm
Price $1 840
23-A3, 2023
Ink, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, Other, 190 cm x 120 cm
Price $7 350
23-EP17, 2023
Ink, Pastel, Mixed media, Spray, Other, Acrylic, Fabric, Canvas, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $2 090
23-EP19, 2023
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Fabric, Canvas, 190 cm x 120 cm
Price $7 350
22-EP14 , 2022
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Tempera, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $780
23-EP6 , 2023
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Other, Tempera, Acrylic, Fabric, Other, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 300
23-EP5 , 2023
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Other, Acrylic, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 300
23-EP1 , 2023
Mixed media, Tempera, Other, Acrylic, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 300
22-EP25 , 2022
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $780
22-EP13, 2022
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, Other, Canvas, 20 cm x 30 cm
Price $470
22-EP9 , 2022
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Other, Canvas, Other, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $780
22-EP3 , 2022
Other, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 145 cm x 85 cm
Price $2 620
22-EP1, 2022
Ink, Mixed media, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 135 cm x 85 cm
Price $2 620
22-A2 , 2022
Ink, Crayons, Watercolour, Mixed media, Acrylic, Oil, Other, Spray, Fabric, Canvas, Other, 140 cm x 90 cm
Price $2 370
Ink, Mixed media, Acrylic, Other, Spray, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 200 cm x 140 cm
Price $6 560
22-EP7 , 2022
Other, Spray, Acrylic, Fabric, Canvas, Other, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $2 090
22-A1, 2022
Crayons, Mixed media, Tempera, Spray, Acrylic, Oil, Fabric, Canvas, 90 cm x 115 cm
Price $2 100
22 P-20, 2022
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 300
21-EP6, 2021
Ink, Pastel, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Tempera, Other, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 70 cm x 100 cm
Price $1 310
21-EP5 , 2021
Pastel, Mixed media, Watercolour, Ink, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, Other, Canvas, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 310
21-EP3B, 2021
Ink, Pastel, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, Other, Fabric, 120 cm x 120 cm
Price $3 140
21-EP2 B, 2021
Other, Canvas, Other, Fabric, 120 cm x 120 cm
Price $3 140
17-A1, 2017
Crayons, Pastel, Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 175 cm x 175 cm
Price $9 970
14-A127, 2014
Ink, Mixed media, Pastel, Watercolour, Acrylic, Other, Spray, Tempera, Canvas, Other, Fabric, 75 cm x 100 cm
Price $1 050
13-A125, 2013
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Oil, Tempera, Other, Other, Canvas, Fabric, 80 cm x 120 cm
Price $2 090
12-A119, 2012
Ink, Mixed media, Pastel, Watercolour, Other, Acrylic, Spray, Tempera, Fabric, Canvas, Other, 130 cm x 180 cm
Price $4 990
10-A111, 2010
Pastel, Ink, Watercolour, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Tempera, Other, Other, Canvas, Fabric, 100 cm x 130 cm
Price $2 100
11-A118, 2011
Ink, Pastel, Other, Tempera, Spray, Acrylic, Fabric, Canvas, Other, 100 cm x 150 cm
Price $2 620
11-A117, 2011
Ink, Mixed media, Pastel, Watercolour, Spray, Tempera, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, Canvas, Other, 120 cm x 180 cm
Price $6 560
10-A114, 2010
Other, Acrylic, Fabric, 150 cm x 115 cm
Price $2 620
20-EP3, 2020
Ink, Pastel, Mixed media, Spray, Oil, Tempera, Other, Acrylic, Fabric, Other, Canvas, 100 cm x 140 cm
Price $2 370
20-EP6A, 2020
Ink, Pastel, Mixed media, Spray, Tempera, Other, Acrylic, Fabric, Other, Canvas, 100 cm x 140 cm
Price $2 620
20-EP6B, 2020
Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, 100 cm x 140 cm
Price $2 620
20-EP7, 2020
Ink, Pastel, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Tempera, Canvas, Other, Fabric, 120 cm x 150 cm
Price $2 370
20-EP8, 2020
Charcoal, Ink, Pastel, Mixed media, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, Other, Fabric, 120 cm x 150 cm
Price $2 620
19-EP3, 2019
Acrylic, Other, Other, Fabric, 85 cm x 135 cm
Price $2 620
15-A134, 2015
Charcoal, Pastel, Acrylic, Other, Other, Fabric, 100 cm x 160 cm
Price $2 620
15-A137, 2015
Acrylic, Other, Fabric, 85 cm x 135 cm
Price $2 360
18-EP1, 2018
Mixed media, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, 100 cm x 120 cm
Price $1 830
18-A2, 2018
Acrylic, Other, Fabric, 80 cm x 100 cm
Price $2 360
20-EP1, 2020
Ink, Acrylic, Other, Fabric, 150 cm x 170 cm
Price $7 880
19-EP-8, 2019
Other, Fabric, 100 cm x 140 cm
Price $7 880
19-EP4, 2019
Mixed media, Other, Acrylic, Canvas, Fabric, 85 cm x 135 cm
Price $2 090
19-EP6, 2019
Other, Fabric, Canvas, 156 cm x 174 cm
Price $7 880

Sales Archive - Bea Guillemot

22-EP9 , 2022
Mixed media, Spray, Tempera, Other, Acrylic, Fabric, Other, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
23-EP2, 2023
Mixed media, Spray, Other, Tempera, Acrylic, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
22-EP23 , 2022
Mixed media, Other, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
22-EP4 , 2022
Ink, Mixed media, Spray, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, Fabric, Other, 105 cm x 105 cm
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