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Bolesław Oleszko

visibility DISPLAYS: 60

Bolesław Oleszko (1934 - 2014) - professor of fine arts, specializing in painting, painter, graphic designer, long-time researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. After graduating from high school in 1954, he was admitted to the first year of studies at the Faculty of Painting and Graphics of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, where in 1960 he defended his diploma in the studio of prof. Mieczysław Wejman and doc. Maciej Makarewicz. 

After defending his diploma, Adam Stalony-Dobrzański introduced Oleszko to the art of making polychrome and stained glass windows. Oleszko explored the technological techniques of dry and wet fresco, which over time became his passion, resulting in twelve independent projects, including: in Woźniki (near Wadowice), Kłyżów, Jastkowice, Rataje, Wola Batorska, Polichna and Warsaw.

He is the designer of over two hundred letter reliefs and many works in the field of applied graphics.

From the time he obtained his diploma, he was a member of the Association of Polish Artists (in the years 1969–1974 he was the secretary of the District Board, in 1974–1978 the chairman of the Painting Section, and from 1978 to 1980 he was a member of the Artistic Council of the Krakow District). He belonged to the Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Krakow (in the years 1984 to 1996 he was treasurer there). He was the recipient of many awards and distinctions, including the Golden Cross of Merit in 1974, the Golden Badge of the City of Krakow in 1977, and the award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland in 1991 and 2009.

He participated in many individual and collective exhibitions.


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Bolesław Oleszko

Temple, 1990
Oil, Canvas, 105 cm x 115 cm
7. Sacrum Profanum Auction
1 000 zł
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