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Dawid Masionek

visibility DISPLAYS: 20

Born in 1994, painter, draftsman, Master of Arts, a graduate of Painting at the University of Humanities and Sciences. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa (professor Jarosław Kweclich's studio). Fascinated by monumental Gothic architecture - this is one of the main inspirations for his work. He paints pictures with a putty knife, exploring the same areas many times, covering the canvas with successive layers of paint, then tearing them off, discovering newer and newer qualities of color, light and dynamics. His expressive painting work is complemented by his drawing activity - he eagerly reaches for ink and nib, believing that the painter's eye is shaped primarily by the skilled hand of a drawer. Author of many group exhibitions (including several editions of the Painters and Drawers - Regional Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts, Konduktorownia, Częstochowa) and individual exhibitions (including Odzielenie - about secrum in the present day, Church of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ in Radomsko, 2018 ; Painting Exhibition, MDK in Lubliniec, 2017; Young Artists, Black Cat Studio, Częstochowa 2011;). During his studies, he was an active member of the scientific circle at the Department of Painting of AJD in Częstochowa. He currently devotes his free time to studying theology. He draws handfuls from this area both in his individual spiritual and artistic development - he is familiar with metaphysical threads, which he willingly undertakes in his work. Privately, the happy husband of the artist Katarzyna Kabzińska-Masionek.


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