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Dorota Banasik

visibility DISPLAYS: 86

She was born in Warsaw in 1961 She is a graduate of the Sculpture Department and Scenography Department of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. He deals with sculpture and set design, also creates decorative elements of interior design.

Selected exhibitions:
1986 - Diplomas 85 - Sopot. Work awarded by the rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
1986 - Portrait Sculpture Triennial - Gdańsk
1990 - Young Sculpture - Warsaw
1991- Scenography Quadriennale - Prague
1994 - Triennale Sacrum 94 - Częstochowa - Main prize for the work of the Shroud of Turin

Selected solo exhibitions:
1991 - Zapiecek Gallery, Warsaw "Petrified Trees"
1992 - Galeria 13, Warsaw "Departure"
1993 - Galeria Brama, Warsaw "And it became bright ..."
1998 - Sculpture Gallery, Warsaw "Process-I"
1998 - Object Gallery, Kraków "Furniture from Imagination"


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Artworks Gallery - Dorota Banasik

Yin-yang, 2022
Bronze, 25 cm x 12 cm
Price $580
Metal, 45 cm x 12 cm
Price $210
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