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Dorota Zych-Charaziak

visibility DISPLAYS: 1415

Dorota Zych-Charaziak is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She studied at the Faculty of Painting in the studio of prof. Tadeusz Dominik. She specializes in workshop graphics in the studio of prof. Halina Chrostowska and lithography and under the supervision of prof. Roman Artymowski. In 1990 she received a diploma with honors, and in 1991 a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and Art. The artist's oil paintings can be viewed in many online galleries.

EXHIBITIONS: She has, among others, an exhibition at the "Uniwersus" building in Warsaw; a series of exhibitions in the south of France organized by the FDDKNP; participation in the WFSP Festival of Fine Arts in Warsaw; exhibitions "Spirit and Sacrum" I, II, III; exhibitions in Tokyo and Kobe (Japan); participation in the exhibition "Holocaust - Dead Yesterday, Today Alive"; individual exhibitions at the Katarzyna Napiórkowska Gallery in Warsaw and Brussels; participation in the exhibition "Bliźnimu swemu" at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw and in exhibitions organized periodically by ZPAP. Her oil paintings are in private collections in Poland and abroad. Contemporary art galleries are interested in it.


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Artworks Gallery - Dorota Zych-Charaziak

Duel, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 120 cm
Price $610
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