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Grzegorz Drozd

visibility DISPLAYS: 1286

Born in 1970. Painter, action and installation artist, photographer. In 1992-1995 he studied at the Faculty of Arts of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. He graduated from the Faculty of Painting and the Sculpture Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2007. He is a three-time scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and a co-founder of the Change Organization of Movement project.

He is a vigilant observer of reality, which he describes in his own language, building uncomfortable and surprising situations often without a script. A player with convention and ritual, leading art out of the bracket of conventionality. The manipulator, declaring on his own account: "an artist is a social outlaw and a criminal to me".

He is a relational, participatory creator, institution critic, author of works that are a vehicle for personal emotions. In 2010, he symbolically "left" Western culture, directing his nomadic journey towards the far south of Asia, seeking "Lost Paradise". He currently lives and works in Asia and Europe.

He took part in several artistic residencies, including Prague and Budapest. Grzegorz Drozd's paintings can be admired online and in contemporary art galleries. Individual exhibitions were organized at the CCA Ujazdowski Castle and the Sculpture Center in Orońsko. He took part in numerous group exhibitions in Poland and abroad - in Krakow's MOCAK, Signs of Time in Toruń, Waterside Contemporary in London, Gare Sauveur in French Lille, BACC in Bangkok, Thailand. The artist exhibits his paintings at modern art auctions.


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Artworks Gallery - Grzegorz Drozd

A sun, 2014
Oil, Canvas, 140 cm x 200 cm
Price $5 790
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