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Iwona Jesiotr-Krupińska

visibility DISPLAYS: 71

Iwona Jesiotr-Krupińska was born in 1967. She is a graduate of the State High School of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In 1992, she completed her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, specializing in sculpture under the guidance of Professor Gustaw Zemła and Jan Kucz. Simultaneously, she studied experimental textile under Professor Wojciech Sadley and painting under Professor Gustaw Maciąg. She defended her doctoral thesis in 2014 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

As an artist, Jesiotr-Krupińska engages in sculpture, experimental textiles, ceramics, watercolors, silk painting, spatial arrangement, and interior design.


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Artworks Gallery - Iwona Jesiotr-Krupińska

Stone, 195 cm x 50 cm
Price $30 180
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