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Jacek Łydżba

visibility DISPLAYS: 1265

Born in 1966 in Włoszczowa. Studied at College of Visual Arts in Czestochowa and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Graduated (Distinction) in 1989 in the poster art under tutorage of Prof Maciej Urbaniec. In 1999 nominated for a Passport Award by magazine “Polityka”. He has been working in the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa since 1995. Jacek Łydżba He is painter who developed from a Polish poster school. Therefore his canvases are expressive, strong and clearly convey their message. On those large, painted with a palette-knife canvases there are usually just single characters of a woman, a wolf, a pigeon, a plane, an angel. Those characters are often accompanied by studies of a head – as if the artist was trying to reveal his work to us. Łydżba also does series of matrixes and cutouts showing a knack for decoration and a sense of humor, which allow him to come closer to folk art and kitsch of urban graffiti.


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Artworks Gallery - Jacek Łydżba

Acrylic, Canvas, 105 cm x 125 cm
Price $2 750
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