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Janusz Kulikowski

visibility DISPLAYS: 2050

Janusz Kulikowski picked up the paintbrush in his early youth, when as a minor he was observing the painting activities of his father, who for many years painted landscapes in the privacy of his home. And everything indicated that Janusz would become a painter. Life, however, decided otherwise. He had to resign from the Academy of Fine Arts because he was engrossed in the prose of life. Successive businesses, interests, initiatives, although they gave life stabilization, did not blunt the desires of the painter's artistic soul. He survived the flirtation with photography and film, but still thought about painting. In what Kulikowski paints, you can see his love for slightly more distant times and places. Light-saturated streets, Italian countryside, and finally motorization and aviation. Works of art by Janusz Kulikowski can be found in private collections in Poland and abroad, in prestigious contemporary art galleries. His paintings are also presented in the best auction houses.


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Sales Archive - Janusz Kulikowski

"SOPOT ", 2021
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 60 cm
Watercolour, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 130 cm
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