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Joanna Kotecka

visibility DISPLAYS: 16

Joanna Kotecka is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, where in 2010 she obtained her diploma in painting in the studio of prof. Krzysztof Skarbek /Faculty of Painting and Sculpture/. She practices easel painting, as well as drawing and photography. For her, painting is a journey and, above all, a search and personal reaction. She is mainly inspired by border places in the human condition, at the junction of various cultures, between realism and symbolism. She does not identify with any trend. “Painting is and will remain for me a journey of endless possibilities. In this case, the space of the white canvas is like a ticket to this journey and it is a one-way ticket, because wherever I want to get to, if I manage to get there, a part of me remains forever. Therefore, a painting will never be a mirror as such, showing a real reflection of a certain moment, but can only be a fragment of a hidden whole, the one that was searched for in the area of ??memories, on the way to feelings, in relation to places, both past and desired. ".
The artist participated in numerous collective and individual exhibitions.


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