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KATEGORIE: Sculpture Nude

Kornel Arciszewski

visibility DISPLAYS: 1778

Graduate of the State High School of Fine Arts in Kielce, specializing in Sculpture Conservation. Completed the Artistic Faculty at the Institute of Fine Arts, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Awarded a diploma with distinction in the sculpture studio of Professor Adam Myjak, with an annex in drawing at the studio of Artur Popek. Received the Rector's Award from Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin for the best diploma of the Artistic Faculty in 2003. In 2012, completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Art at the University of Pedagogy in Krakow, specializing in Art Therapy – Fine Arts. Graduated from the Study of Psychological Assistance at the Institute of Health Psychology, Polish Psychological Society, Warsaw 2006. A member of the Association of Polish Sculptors since 2003.


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