Krzysztof Sokolovski
Krzysztof Sokolovski is a visual artist and creator of the cognitostructural concept and neo-sacral art (monumental and easel painting, light objects, artistic installations, sacred and secular interiors, sculpture). He was born in 1985 in Ejszyszki, Lithuania.
He has lived and worked in Poland since 2003. He graduated from the Gdańsk University of Technology (thermal energy) and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Faculty of Painting) and completed a course in correct and clinical anatomy at the Medical University of Gdańsk.
Sokolovski is the author of polychrome neo-sacral interiors, including chapels in Klebark Wielki (Poland) and in the Salesian Sisters' monastery in Jerusalem. He also designs and creates objects and secular interiors in the spirit of the cognitostructural idea he created. Its main assumptions are based on the search for visual forms that harmoniously combine the presentation of the spiritual side of reality with the scientific understanding of the world and man himself.
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