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Maciej Urbaniak

visibility DISPLAYS: 2205

Maciej Urbaniak was born in Krakow. He has changed the hustle and bustle of a rural garden and lives in Modlnica near Krakow. He graduated from the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts. Maciej Urbaniak's paintings are full of color and decorative, painted in the system of mosaic rigor. With their magical charm and flickering ornaments, they arouse curiosity, but the subcutaneous expression of these images confirms the belief that there is a deeply embedded and intriguing provocation.

The artist has participated in many individual and collective exhibitions. He constantly works with renowned galleries in Poland and abroad. His paintings are in many private collections.


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Sales Archive - Maciej Urbaniak

Acrylic, Canvas, 81 cm x 66 cm
Acrylic, Canvas, 92 cm x 73 cm
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