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Milena 'Milish' Korzeniewska

visibility DISPLAYS: 63

Milena is a Polish painter and a concept artist. Received BA in Fine art from University of Leeds and MA in drawing from norwich university college of art. During her studies her art was mostly influenced with the ideas of feminism, femininity and gaming which has always been a passion of Milena's.  After graduating she mostly focused on concept art for gaming industry however painting was always present in her life helping her through good and bad times.. Recently she decided to return to painting full time and focuses on creating the work in a semi-realistic, surreal manner.



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Artworks Gallery - Milena 'Milish' Korzeniewska

The Pill, 2019
Oil, Canvas, 60 cm x 20 cm
Price $110
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 60 cm
Price $530
Oil, Canvas, 130 cm x 80 cm
Price $860
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