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Olga Pelipas

visibility DISPLAYS: 1377
She studied in Artistic Collage in Crimea (2003 - 2007) and at the Academy of Design and Fine Arts in Charków (2007 - 2013) in the range of monumental painting. Exhibitions: 2000 - Exhibition of art of the "World without dark colors" National pavilion of Ukraine at the International Forum "Expo-2000", Hannover, Germany 2007-2015 - Regional exhibitions in Ukraine 2009 - Street Art Festival in Kharkov 2011 - “Triennial of Young Artists” in Simferopol Art Museum, Crimea (3rd place) 2012 - Personal exhibition "Kostyurinski Pereulok Gallery" in Kharkiv 2016 - "The HF ArtsFest 2016" POSK Gallery: "Eastern European Art" London Great Britain 2017 - The 45th Polish Ball in London


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Sales Archive - Olga Pelipas

Acrylic, Canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm
Untitled, 2018
Acrylic, Canvas, 90 cm x 70 cm
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