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Paulina Robotycka

visibility DISPLAYS: 5703

Paulina Robotycka is a color psychologist: each color in a painting
corresponds to specific human feelings – both positive and
negative. The apparent lack of color harmony involving strong
contrasts are associated with emotions that often contradict each other.
The artist’s compositions are a map of human feelings – sometimes intricate, and sometimes

Born in 2000 in Gdansk, Poland. Graduated Psychology at the University of Gdansk. She is a self-taught painter. She primarily does easel and monumental painting. In her works we can find references to color plane painting, Tashism and gesture painting.

One of her main intentions in painting is to blur the line between the entity that is the work and the viewer.  Her paintings are in private collections in Poland, Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands and the United States.

Group exhibitions:
On Love and Demons. Woman in contemporary art. – Gallery in Zaulek, Gdansk, 2022.


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Paulina Robotycka

Sales Archive - Paulina Robotycka

Acrylic, Oil, Canvas, 130 cm x 100 cm
Acrylic, Oil, Canvas, 140 cm x 90 cm
Oil, Canvas, 134 cm x 134 cm
Acrylic, Canvas, 150 cm x 150 cm
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