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Paweł Wąsowski

visibility DISPLAYS: 1372

Paweł Wąsowski defended his thesis entitled Study of the needs of architectural and urban rehabilitation in the area of ??Zbawiciela Square in Warsaw in 1999, and in 2008 a doctoral dissertation entitled Architecture of multi-family houses of construction and housing cooperatives in Warsaw in the interwar period (1918–1939) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, where he became an academic teacher. For his doctoral dissertation, he received an award from the Faculty Council of the Warsaw University of Technology and in 2009 the award of the Minister of Infrastructure.

He works in the history of architecture, painting, sculpture, photography and architectural design. He is primarily interested in the correspondence of architecture and visual arts. In his painting works, he examines illusions, optical illusions, color perception and its impact on space

· 2016 - "Private Art" exhibition at the Minsk Land Museum - presentation of the art collection

· 2017 - "Punkt Odbioru Wrażeń" at the Bohema Nowa Sztuka Gallery in Warsaw [2]

2018 - participation in the painting symposium at Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils, Latvia

· 2019 - "My homage to the square", individual exhibition, Evvivanoe Gallery, Turin, Italy

· 2019 - "Traveling Exhibition - Painting Our Future Together", Riga Central Library, Riga, Latvia

· 2019 - "Traveling Exhibition - Painting Our Future Together", National Center for Contemporary Art, Minsk, Belarus

· 2019 - "Traveling Exhibition - Painting Our Future Together", MMGallery, Brussels, Belgium

· 2019 - "My Another Homage to the Square", individual exhibition, POSK Gallery, London


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