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Sylwia Zabor-Żakowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 673

Sylwia Zabor-Żakowska - her work covers two areas: painting and poetry, which often correspond with each other. The phenomenon of dialogue between the disciplines of art fascinated her while studying the psychology of creativity at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. At that time, she was also fascinated by the idea of ??introducing children to the world of art and creativity, which I have been implementing for many years. She is a precursor of teaching English through art in Poland and combining artistic workshops with creativity training developed by the psychology and pedagogy of creativity. In 2016, she wrote and published a Polish-English book "Poetry and Art for Creativity - Inspirations", which was awarded the prestigious European award by the European Commission and the Minister of National Education for innovation in the field of education. She graduated in painting with honors for "original visual language" at UMCS. Apart from group exhibitions, she presented two individual exhibitions: "UNI" and "ZAPNIJ PASY". In the art she offers, she is very interested in the universal plane of communication between people, regardless of the place of birth and age.


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Artworks Gallery - Sylwia Zabor-Żakowska

Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $330
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $330
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $330
Oil, Canvas, 41 cm x 50 cm
Price $330
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $330
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