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Victor Vasarely

visibility DISPLAYS: 1621

Victor Vasarely was born on April 9, 1906 (Pécs, Hungary), died March 15, 1997 (Paris, France) - an artist of Hungarian origin who created and worked in France until his death. One of the leading representatives of geometric abstraction. Considered a precursor and representative of the op-art trend.

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Artist Artworks on Auction - Victor Vasarely

Fens, 1973
Serigraphy, Paper, 61 cm x 61 cm
XX Auction of Modern Classics
800 zł

Artworks Gallery - Victor Vasarely

Serigraphy, Paper, 40 cm x 40 cm
Price $1 300
vonal-4, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
Price $180
rhombus-c, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
Price $180
rhombus, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
Price $180
pauk, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
Price $180
ilile-III, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
Price $180
berc, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
Price $180
Giclee, Paper, 41 cm x 41 cm
Price $260
Giclee, Paper, 41 cm x 41 cm
Price $260
Giclee, Paper, 41 cm x 41 cm
Price $260
HAT-B, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 41 cm x 41 cm
Price $260
Paper, 61 cm x 61 cm
Price $430

Sales Archive - Victor Vasarely

vonal-lila, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
vonal-fegn, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
oervegn-II, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
BETA, 1972
Giclee, Paper, 27 cm x 27 cm
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