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Walery Stratovich

visibility DISPLAYS: 101

Born in 1963 in the northern Caucasus in Russia. In the years 1981-1986 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vitebsk, founded by the outstanding painter Marc Chagall. He has been working in Grodno since 1987. The artist's painting is characterized primarily by expressive compositions and bold use of color. W. Stratovich masterfully combines warm and cold colors, which gives his work an unusual character. An additional effect in his painting is the thick texture of the paint. I think that many art enthusiasts will recognize a master's hand in this painting. The artist's paintings enjoy great recognition and success both in Europe and on other continents. The artist's works will decorate any interior, both modern and classic.


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Artworks Gallery - Walery Stratovich

Oil, Canvas, 60 cm x 35 cm
Price $310
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $230
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 40 cm
Price $230
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