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Władysław Nehrebecki,Leszek Lorek,Alfred Ledwig

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A trio of cartoonists who created the characters of Bolek and Lolek, the heroes of the animated series for children from the 60s in Poland.

Władysław Nehrebecki (1923-1978) is a Polish film and theater director, screenwriter, author of comics and animations. Co-founder of the Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała. He influenced the creation of the Studio of Small Film Forms and the Animated Film Studio in Krakow. The originator and author of many series for children such as "Adventures of the Blue Knight", "Teddy Bear Shag", "Mouse Adventures", "Pajacyk and Pikuś", "Professor Filutek", "Our Grandpa", "Kidnapping of Baltazar Gąbka".

Leszek Lorek (1922 - 1977) is a director, co-founder of the Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała. A classic and pioneer of Polish animation, winner of the first prize at the film festival in Mar del Plata in 1962 for the film Pocket Knife.

Alfred Ledwig (1929 - 2006) is a visual artist, screenwriter and director. Co-founder of the Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biała. He was the author of animation, among others "Beans", "Kiss", "Happy Butterfly" and "Wandering brush and pencil"


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