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Wojciech Baran

visibility DISPLAYS: 223

Wojciech Baran is a graphic designer, poet and writer living in Rzeszów. Since 2015, he has been a member of the ZPAMiG group and the International Group of Various Creators "Złota Linia". He has been creating calligraphy and illumination since 2004. From this source come works in four styles of writing and decoration: Celtic, Ottonian, Gothic and Renaissance. These techniques include bookplates, magazine vignettes and lustration.

Currently he is engaged in artistic drawing. His precise, detailed works are created using traditional tools, such as ink and smooth, thick paper.

In 2013, he published his first novel entitled "Past Lives". His poems were published in the "Anthology of Polish Poets 2016". In 2018, he published his next novel entitled "Torres" (part 1)

His drawing works were exhibited at Tenis Art auctions and the Sopot Auction House, as well as at many exhibitions in Poland and abroad.


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Wojciech Baran

01/15/2025, 2025
Ink, Paper, 30 cm x 43 cm
"Courtly Tales" - Auction at the Potocki Palace in Radzyń Podlaski
1 000 zł

Artworks Gallery - Wojciech Baran

No title, 2022
Mixed media, Paper, 50 cm x 70 cm
Price $450
No title, 2023
Mixed media, Paper, 50 cm x 70 cm
Price $440
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 29 cm x 42 cm
Price $360
No title, 2022
Other, Paper, 29 cm x 21 cm
Price $210
No title, 2023
Other, Paper, 21 cm x 29 cm
Price $210
No title, 2023
Other, Paper, 21 cm x 29 cm
Price $210
No title, 2023
Other, Paper, 21 cm x 29 cm
Price $210
No title, 2021
Other, Paper, 21 cm x 29 cm
Price $210
No title, 2023
Other, Paper, 21 cm x 29 cm
Price $210
Other, Paper, 29 cm x 42 cm
Price $360

Sales Archive - Wojciech Baran

11.09.2024, 2024
Mixed media, Paper, 50 cm x 70 cm
No title, 2023
Mixed media, Paper, 29 cm x 42 cm
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