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Zbigniew Olszewski

visibility DISPLAYS: 1647

Zbigniew Olszewski was born in 1955 in Świdnik. Graphic artist, practicing graphic arts, drawing and oil painting. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 1975-80, diploma with honors in 1980.
in the field of graphics in the studio of prof. Andrzej Rudziński. An annex in painting in the studio of prof. Eugeniusz Markowski. Member of the Management Board of ZPAP.

Individual exhibitions:
Lublin 1984, Gorzów Wielkopolski 1988, Kraśnik 1991, Jarosław 1991, Lublin 1997, Lublin 2005, Lublin 2015, Lublin 2016, Zwierzyniec 2018

Collective exhibitions:
Radom 1980, Lublin 1981, Lublin 1985, Lublin 1986, Lublin 1988, Kazimierz Dolny 1990, Lublin 1992, Lublin 1994, Lublin 1955, Hamburg 1955,
Lublin 1997, Lublin 1999, Lublin 2001, Lublin 2003, Kazimierz Dolny 2004, Lublin 2015, Międzyrzec Podlaski 2007, Lublin 2016, Lublin 2018, Zalesie Dolne - Art Colony - 2018, Lublin 2019, Vilnius 2019

Graphics of the Year - Lublin 1981, Lublin 1985, Lublin 1988

Zbigniew Olszewski's paintings are in many private collections in the country and abroad, they are also sold in Polish auction houses and national galleries (Desa Unicum, Sopot Auction House, Next, Xanadu). One work is in the resources of the Museum at the Lublin Castle.

An excerpt from Katarzyna Bartnik's review from the folder for Zbigniew Olszewski's exhibition "Hidden Reality" Galeria Gardzienice Lublin 2016

"This work becomes a real challenge for art historians, eludes schemas, all terms, and pigeonholing. The richness of the artist's imagination is immeasurable, just like the unique worlds he creates. The author invites you to plunge into their inscrutable abyss of infinity, full of understatements, allusions, metaphors, sometimes a joke, revealing in them also their fears and fascinations, for example the terrifying process of destruction, self-destruction, aging and decay ".


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Sales Archive - Zbigniew Olszewski

Faith, 2016
Oil, Canvas, 59 cm x 40 cm
Flamingo, 2019
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 70 cm
Control, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 70 cm
Spring, 2019
Oil, Canvas, 92 cm x 73 cm
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