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Views. Joanna Mieszko painting exhibition

17 February 2025 - 04 March 2025

Kamienica Theatre, 93 Solidarności Avenue, Warsaw

Admission to the exhibition is free on days when there is a performance on the Orla Stage.

Views. Joanna Mieszko painting exhibition

The "Views" exhibition is an artistic journey through urban landscapes. Joanna Mieszko reinterprets the concept of the contemporary city. Observing the specifics of metropolitan life, the artist once again reflects the most recognizable places from the maps of Poland and the world on large-scale canvases. Her compositions, presenting unconventional perspectives, invite viewers to see the city from an artistic point of view and discover its new face. It is in this dynamic blend of space and impressions that the power of modern urban landscape lies!

Ustka, 2024
Acrylic, Canvas, 73 cm x 100 cm
Price $1 550
Casablanca, 2024
Acrylic, Canvas, 65 cm x 81 cm
Price $1 290
Singapore, 2022
Acrylic, Canvas, 70 cm x 100 cm
Price $3 390
Acrylic, Canvas, 73 cm x 100 cm
Price $2 620
Acrylic, Canvas, 73 cm x 100 cm
Price $3 140
Acrylic, Board, 73 cm x 100 cm
Price $3 140
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