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Anna Cieśluk

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Anna Cieśluk was born in 1979 in Roma in Białystok. She obtained a diploma at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. During her studies, she participated in outdoor, design, painting and ceramic workshops as well as student collective exhibitions.

After graduation, she painted paintings to order and for pleasure. Then she had a long break in her artistic work, but all the time she lacked creative activity. Currently, she paints mainly sensual portraits of women with acrylic, and the female body is her biggest inspiration. The characters are often located in an abstract, conventional space that is to be the background and at the same time emphasize the beauty of the human body. Prefers subdued colors that sometimes contrast with vivid colors. She works with leading contemporary art galleries around the world, which have repeatedly distinguished her works. He also creates storyboards for the purposes of tenders or the implementation of specific advertising spots for one of the advertising agencies.

There are many contemporary and historical artists whose works he admires, but most appreciate paintings by Degas, Modigliani and Klimt, and from Polish artists - Nowosielski and Wróblewski.


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