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Bożenna Niewinowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 289

I am a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers and the Association of Polish Watercolorists. I have been painting every day since 2006, from the beginning under the supervision of Professor Ryszard Hunger. I have perfected my skills at numerous courses conducted by lecturers at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Initially, I painted mainly in oil and dry pastel, and since 2013 I fell in love with watercolors and it is currently my favorite technique, although in 2023 I received a distinction at the International Biennale of Painting "Quadro Art" for the 100x100 cm acrylic work "Joy" and I am currently painting more paintings in this technique and size. I have participated in over 100 collective exhibitions and had 16 individual exhibitions. I took part in competitions and received awards and distinctions, including first place in the Renesans company competition - "Colors of Summer" and first place in the national competition of the Wałbrzych Cultural Center. My works also took part in foreign exhibitions - in Germany in Haldensleben, in France - in Albi and in Italy - FabrianoinAcquarello.


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Artworks Gallery - Bożenna Niewinowska

W sieci, 2023
Watercolour, Paper, 31 cm x 41 cm
Price $190
Watercolour, Paper, 41 cm x 31 cm
Price $190
Watercolour, Paper, 38 cm x 56 cm
Price $370
in the sun, 2022
Watercolour, Paper, 41 cm x 31 cm
Price $190
Watercolour, Paper, 31 cm x 41 cm
Price $190
Watercolour, Paper, 41 cm x 31 cm
Price $190

Sales Archive - Bożenna Niewinowska

Joy, 2023
Acrylic, Fabric, Canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm
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