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Ewa Jendraszko

visibility DISPLAYS: 759

Ewa Jendraszko, painter, philosopher.

In Art she values freedom of expression. Her art connects figurative, abstract and organic forms, which attract attention with its black and white convention and surrealism. She attracts the spectator with a detail, but at the same time presenting a broad perspective. Her paintings  have a discrete elegance which underlines the quality of her artistic expression. 

Art of Ewa Jendraszko combines the mystery of mythology with nostalgic reflection.   Her compositions incorporate   a variety of forms and divisive elements - lines, geometrical figures and ambiguous forms,  which constitute a world living in its own rhythm of joy, movement, uncertainty and drama revealing  the everyday search of meaning and harmony. Artistic records create metaphoric messages and lead us to the universe of emotions and associations.The source of her work lies in an undiscovered reality and intuitive way of using her own feelings and sensations, approached with respect and  reverence and transformed into personal language of artistic expression, language of lyrical form of black and white and sometimes subtle colour lines.

Her work is also a protest against aesthetics of contemporary culture, which attack the viewer with a cacophony  of colour and trivial subjects. Her creation is personal and even intimate, but it does not attempt to be hermetically sealed and unapproachable, quite the opposite, the artist wants to share the intentions encoded in her art. Her works convey contentment, joy of discovery, satisfaction and a sense of value of artistic expression. Certainly her works do not allow the viewer to be indifferent, they inspire reflection, examination of the artist's proposal and most of all appreciation of her unique, very personal view of reality. In her artistic representations of symbolic visions a spectator can find universal messages and even discover a part of himself.

Zbigniew Pindor / art critic


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Sales Archive - Ewa Jendraszko

Epicentre, 2022
Mixed media, Acrylic, Canvas, 160 cm x 120 cm
Acrylic, Other, Canvas, 130 cm x 110 cm
Acrylic, Other, Canvas, 160 cm x 120 cm
Spacetime, 2021
Acrylic, Canvas, 73 cm x 100 cm
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