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Janusz Wieczorek

visibility DISPLAYS: 2056

Janusz Wieczorek is a graphic designer, painter, sculptor, woodcutter's assistant, turner, paver, agricultural and construction worker, monument conservator, photographer, satirical draftsman, editor, journalist, publisher, interior designer and inventor.

SELECTED POSITIONS: chief graphic designer, graphic editor, head of the promotion department, editor-in-chief, publisher.

CREATOR AND PUBLISHER OF THE NEWSPAPER of the underground biweekly "Antygazeta Szmata" published in Łódź on wrapping paper in the years 1998-1999.


INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS at the Gallery of the University of Kassel during Polnische Woche, at the "U journalists" gallery in Wrocław and at the Studyjny Theater in Łódź. for ORLEN Concern, "Bełchatów" Mine and Power Plant, GATTY, ZENIT and ONET. Provincial Archaeological and Conservation Center in Wrocław. Cooperation with the publishing houses "EUROPA", "RAABE", "Westa Druk" and "ONET". WORKS PRESENTED in the TV-vision cultural magazine PEGAZ

WORKS IN THE COLLECTIONS of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, the Museum of Caricature in Warsaw, the Satyrykon Gallery in Legnica, and in the private collections of Poland, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, Great Britain, the USA and Canada.

ARCHITECT AND INTERIOR ARRANGER - designs of flats, apartments, lofts and residences. Designing furniture, lamps and decorations. Projects e.g. for the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Kutno Local Government Hospital, or for the NZOZ Pulsmedica in Łódź. Numerous designs of doctor's offices, offices, shops, commercial islands and exhibition stands link: interior design CREATOR and owner of the brand "GARAAŻ CONCEPT GALLERY" link to FB: Garage Concept link to the store: shop in 2015 - until today CREATOR OF A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF CANDLES protected by the Patent Office - Industrial Designs No. Rp.22076; Rp.22077; Rp. 22078; Rp. 22079; Rp. 22080; Rp.22081 PATTERNS link: candles INVENTOR OF A NEW TYPE OF YACHT patent No. 220205 FILM link: film SELECTED PROFESSIONS AND PUBLISHED JOBS interior designer, graphic designer, painter, sculptor, satirical draftsman, chief graphic designer, graphic editor, chief of promotion, publisher. CREATOR AND PUBLISHER OF THE NEWSPAPER of the underground biweekly "Antygazeta Szmata" published in Łódź on wrapping paper in the years 1998-1999. AUTHOR OF GRAPHICS AND SATIRIC DRAWINGS published e.g. in the monthly magazines "FANTASTYKA" "JACHTING" and the weeklies "NIE," ANGORA "," SZPILKI "and the biweekly" ANTYGAZETA SZMATA ", in the years 1982-2006 INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS at the Gallery of the University of Kassel during Polnische Woche, in the gallery" U journalists " In Wrocław and in the Studyjny Theater in Łódź. COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS Paris, Oświęcim, Legnica, Warsaw, Brighton Festival. in Wrocław. Cooperation with the publishing houses "EUROPA", "RAABE", "Westa Druk" and "ONET". WORKS PRESENTED in the TV-vision cultural magazine PEGAZ WORKS IN THE COLLECTIONS of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, Museum of Caricature in Warsaw, Satyrykon Gallery in Legnica and in private collections of Poland, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, Great Britain, USA and Canada ARCHITECT AND INTERIOR ARCHITECT - designs of flats, apartments, lofts and residences. The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Kutno Local Government Hospital, or for NZOZ Pulsmedica in Łódź. Numerous designs of doctor's offices, offices, shops, commercial islands and fair stands.

CREATOR and owner of the brand "GARAAŻ CONCEPT GALERIA" in 2015 - until today THE CREATOR OF A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF CANDLES protected by the Patent Office - Industrial Designs No. Rp.22076; Rp.22077; Rp. 22078; Rp. 22079; Rp. 22080; Rp.22081

INVENTOR OF A NEW TYPE OF YACHT "Raya Surf", patent no. 220205 many years of experience in interior design: flats, apartments, lofts and houses. Public utility interior design: e.g. rooms at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department at the Kutno Local Government Hospital, NZOZ Pulsmedica clinic in Łódź, private doctor's offices, offices, commercial islands, market stands and shops, e.g. Concept Garage (OFF Piotrkowska Łódź).


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Artworks Gallery - Janusz Wieczorek

Pencil, 29 cm x 21 cm
Price $390
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
ŻYCIOR, 2019
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Shadow, 2019
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 35 cm x 45 cm
Price $550
Road, 2017
Ink, 35 cm x 45 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Ink, 45 cm x 35 cm
Price $550
Oil, 51 cm x 77 cm
Price $2 210
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