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Joanna Henclik

visibility DISPLAYS: 1286

Joanna Henclik was born in 1977, she is an illustrator and painter. She honed her artistic passions at home. She considers 2019 to be the most important time of her artistic journey. It was then that she started a series of illustrations and drawings entitled "Red dot" / "Red dot series". In her works, she undertakes, among others broadly understood topic of personal development and motherhood. Art is a form of therapy for her. Through her, she discovers her femininity, hence women are a frequent theme in her drawings.

In 2019, she drew a series entitled "Slavic Goddesses", which was presented at an innovative online exhibition in the form of a film, in cooperation with artists from Poland, Spain, Turkey and Germany.


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Artworks Gallery - Joanna Henclik

Lizard, 2023
Mixed media, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $130
Bear, 2023
Mixed media, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $130
Lion, 2023
Mixed media, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $130
She-wolf, 2021
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Meditation, 2021
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Self Love, 2021
Mixed media, Giclee, Other, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Giclee, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Shaman, 2021
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Sensuality, 2022
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70

Sales Archive - Joanna Henclik

Guidance, 2020
Mixed media, Other, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
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