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Joanna Henclik biogram

Woman with a wolf, 2021

Mixed media, Other, Paper
40 cm x 30 cm

Prints, Minimalism, Person, Animal

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The poster entitled "Woman with a wolf" was created in 2021. The inspiration for this painting was Power Animals. The wolf that is with the woman metaphorically supports her with his energies. These energies include: support in clear communication, in the fight for oneself and one's own freedom. The wolf as a Force animal also "shows" how to achieve goals without hurting others and invading their space.

The graphics look beautiful in any interior, especially in a minimalist and boho style.

Artworks by artist - Joanna Henclik
Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
Sensuality, 2022
Mixed media, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $70
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