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Leszek Piasecki

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Leszek Piasecki lived between 1928-1990. He received his first painting lessons at the School of Artistic Industry in Lviv, and also privately with Z. Rozwadowski and S. Kaczor-Batowski. Between 1946-1952 he studied at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision of F. Pautsch, I. Pieńkowski, J. Holiński and J. Fedkowicz. Piasecki and Jerzy Kossak were friends and co-workers. In 1974 he settled in Vienna, actively involved in the life of the Polish community there. Between 1985-1986 he was the president of the Association of Poles in Austria "Strzecha", he also published articles in the newspaper "Głos Polonii" and cooperated with the Polish Museum in Rapperswil. He was the author of a diorama depicting the Battle of Vienna. He painted mainly battle scenes, horses and hunting, which earned him the nickname "Kossak from Vienna", but he also created portraits.


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