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Piotr Naliwajko

visibility DISPLAYS: 1437
Born in 1960. Studia ASP Kraków, Faculty of Graphic Arts in Katowice, 1979-84. In the years 1983-1989, together with Tercet Nadęty (Grupa Trzech), and after 1989, individually, the artist organized over one hundred exhibitions in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA and France. He took part in group exhibitions many times in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, France, Hungary, the USSR, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Slovakia. At International Artexpo New York 2000 and 2001 and International Artexpo California 2000, he made large individual presentations of his paintings.


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Piotr Naliwajko

Sales Archive - Piotr Naliwajko

Moirai, 2020
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 60 cm
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