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Piotr Uklański

visibility DISPLAYS: 981

Piotr Uklański, b. 1968 in Warsaw. He is a Polish artist, director and photographer who lives in the United States. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. After moving to the USA in 1991, he worked as a director (he made music videos for American music stars) and photography. Apart from them, he uses various creative means, such as installations, video and performance.

Has many individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and the United States. The artist gained considerable publicity in our country thanks to the exhibition "Nazis", which took place at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw in 2000 (previously it could be seen in London). In 2006, the artist sold "Nazis" at an art auction in London (for £ 568,000).

As a director of feature films, he made his debut in 2005 with the western "Summer Love", starring such stars as Bogusław Linda, Katarzyna Figura and Val Kilmer. In addition to directing, the artist also wrote the script and produced this film realization.


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Artworks Gallery - Piotr Uklański

Oil, Canvas, 58 cm x 52 cm
Price $15 680
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