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Roman Opałka

visibility DISPLAYS: 1102

Roman Opałka (1931 Abbeville, France - 2011 Rome)
He spent the war in Germany, returned to France in 1945, and a year later he came to Poland. In 1950 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, and in 1950-56 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. From 1965 he was active in France. Representative of conceptualism. Initially, he created acid engravings (including the Describing the World series); later spatial compositions made of canvas, called "hovercraft"; and from 1965 he began to cover the canvases, which he called "details" with rows of consecutive numbers, starting with one (the first was written with numbers from 1 to 35327), which was to reflect the passage of time. The canvases were accompanied by a photograph of the artist's face showing the signs of aging and a recording of his voice. He is the laureate of many awards, including the Art Criticism Award. C.K. Of norwid. He took part in the Sao Paulo Biennale (1969 and 1977), Documenta in Kassel (1977), and the Venice Biennale (1995).


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Sales Archive - Roman Opałka

Duel, 1967
Tempera, Paper, 25 cm x 44 cm
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