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Wasyl Martyńczuk

visibility DISPLAYS: 521

Wasyl Martyńczuk is an artist born in 1959 in the village of Rówieńszczyzna, near Równe in Ukraine. He died in 2020.

After graduating from high school, he attended the Leningrad High School of Fine Arts (specialization: stone carving). In the years 1995-2001 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lviv. After completing his education, he and his wife settled in Grodno, where he worked as a drawing teacher. From 2004, he belonged to the Society of Polish Artists at the Union of Polish Artists and Designers.

The artist was one of the most respected and talented Grodno artists. For many years he was active in the Society of Polish Artists at the Union of Poles in Belarus. In his artistic career, Martyńczuk, apart from Belarus and Poland, had individual exhibitions, incl. in Japan, France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania.


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