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Zofia Atteslander

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Zofia Atteslander was born in 1874 in Luborzyca (Miechów County) and died around 1928 in Berlin.

She received private lessons from Jacek Malczewski in Kraków, then from Franz von Lenbach, Heinrich Knirr and Stanisław Grocholski in Munich, and from 1902 with Adolf Hölzel in Dachau. Her specialty was still lifes and portraits.

During her stay in Wiesbaden in 1904, she made portraits of the Romanian royal family. In 1908, during her stay in Paris, she was awarded an honorable mention at the Salon of French Artists.

From 1903, she took part in exhibitions at the Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Krakow and Lviv, and from 1904 at the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In addition to oil painting, she practiced pastel painting. She often signed her paintings "Zo".

Her portrait of Cilly Elfa is in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow.


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