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Janina Wierusz-Kowalska

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Janina Wierusz-Kowalska in her painting, uses the visual resources of the world in an unlimited way. Experiences in practicing art led her along a long path - from analysis to synthesis. From the evident, violent dynamics expressed by gesture (this trend is still close to her), to a more organized and technically different synthesis. This does not mean, however, that dynamics does not exist in her synthetic works. In the paintings she paints, she shows the fight between light and shadow, he modifies shapes, radically collides colors.

In painting work, she uses the simplest tools, i.e. brushes and the most popular media, i.e. acrylic and oil paints. Most often she uses canvas as a substrate, but she also likes to work on a cardboard base. She uses such a substrate to carry out smaller and more expressive works. In his present work, after years of hesitation and mistakes, she respects Cicero's golden maxim: "Let everyone practice in this art that she knows".


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