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Wanda Badowska-Twarowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 1237

Artist born in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. She graduated in 1977 at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (diploma in workshop graphics under Prof. Andrzej Rudziński). He deals with painting, drawing, workshop and computer graphics as well as multimedia activities. For many years he has also been working as a teacher.

She belongs to the Association of Polish Artists, as well as the International Association of Painters and Sculptors APSDE in Paris, a member or co-founder of several artistic groups: "SYMFONIA", "YOUNG ART", the "Artbale" Association and the ARTINTERFERENCE Group and the Society of Art Lovers and Ballet.

In recent years, her favorite subject of creativity is ballet, which the artist is fascinated with and is an expert on.

The artist has been participating in the Biennale of the International Association of Painters and Sculptors of APSDE in Spain and Paris since 2006. She is also the curator of the Art Dance Dance Creative Group exhibition "Dance and Movement".

Until 2014, she had 41 individual exhibitions and took part in over 80 collective ones.


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Sales Archive - Wanda Badowska-Twarowska

Acrylic, Canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm
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